Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Girls Ski Trip

So back in January my best girls from work Erin, Angela and I enjoyed a girls ski weekend at Crystal Mountain here in Michigan. It's a nice resort about 3 hours north of us. I admit I was skeptical about the skiing prospects in Michigan having skied in the mecca (Utah) but it was great! Certainly not a mountain but great hills with curves and plenty of trees.

We checked into our hotel

and enjoyed a few hours of night skiing before dinner.

The next day brought some fresh snow and lots of great skiing!

Erin and Angela have been skiing for a long time and are very good. I loved watching Erin show us her skills :)

She convinced me to follow her through the trees between runs and needless to say...I loved it! Angela did not :) We caught this great sunset on one such expedition.

We enjoyed a nice dinner that night complete with a flaming dessert courtesy of Angela

I love these girls and are so grateful for our 4 years together. I'm sad to see our paths starting to go different ways soon but hope we can get together for more fun weekends in the future!

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