So this morning at work one of the nurses was joking with me after she found out I was from Utah and asked, "Do you wear special underwear?" I smiled and said, "sure do." Well a few other nurses sitting nearby joined in the conversation and couldn't believe that I didn't wear normal underwear and couldn't fathom the idea that I wore my bra different than they did. They got to asking questions about those "special underwear" and it was a great teaching opportunity but challenging at the same time because I felt I should and did hold back some details that they didn't need to know which only makes the whole concept and me seem stranger :) Funniest part was a few minutes into the conversation, the original nurse stopped and said, "Wait...
you're Mormon?!" She thought that just living in Utah meant you wore "special underwear." I kindly informed her that no, the DMV doesn't hand out the special underwear when you get your Utah ID :)

I'm really glad to be in Michigan and have these experiences to teach people about the church. It seemed like at home, even if you weren't a member you still knew a whole lot about the church. Here, I have to fight down polygamy rumors and plenty more because people really have never heard of the church or know very little and I might have been the first Mormon they met. Just another reason I'm sure glad we got this chance to come to Michigan! I almost enjoy being the brunt of the joke as much as they enjoy making fun of me :) All in good spirits though...
You are such a great missionary tool! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us, I love to hear it!
That's great Stephanie! I love to hear stories like that. I'm glad that you are there to better help them understand the church. It's good to have opportunities like that.
That's funny...and so true of what others percieve of us. My favorite is "where are your horns"? Haha. You totally just take it with a grain of salt and laugh it off. You are so great so take those conversations and turn them into missionary opportunities:)
You little missionary you! I think it's great you get to have those experiences. I felt like I really had them on our cruise and it was such a neat feeling. You've probably had plenty more than me by now though.
I'm sure they thought the whole "special underwear" was kind of wierd, but did you at least brag about not having a panty line? :-)
I LOVE IT!!!!! That is so good! Did you show them off?
That is awesome Steph! I bet you will have a lot more opportunities too. What a good experience you have to live out of state for a few years. Hope you come back though. :0)
That must have been an interesting experience! It sounds like you handled it really well. Tori told me you were there when Pete was asked how many wives he had. Lots of opportunities to teach! :)
That is funny. I am back from Hawaii. HOpe things are going well.
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