So this 4th of July reminded me that we've already been in Michigan almost a year. It was our first 4th of July here so now we have gone through all the holidays as just the two of us. Sad but cool at the same time. We sure miss spending holidays with family but the friends we've made here sure feel like family.
On Friday we joined our friends Tom and Nicole at a BBQ their friends from the Lansing ward were hosting. (we live in Lansing but for some reason are in the Holt ward). It was fun to meet new people, that ward sure seems like a BYU ward with tons of grad school couples. After a game of kickball we went to watch fireworks in the mall parking lot. Then is the drama of trying to get out of the parking lot, good thing we were with good friends cuz we had plenty of time to chat. Oh and we also narrowly avoided hitting 2 deer that night! They are all over the place here.
Yesterday we started our touch up painting. We finished 2 windows and a bench which doesn't sound like much but we were exhausted! Sure looks good though.
Anyway, nothing too exciting but we sure like getting together with friends! Now just another week of work then we are going to Kirtland with the youth. Wish us luck...
Wow. It really has been a year since you've been gone. It doesn't seem like that long, but I remember you were moving just shortly after my bridal shower. Sad. I wish you lived closer:(
I'm glad you guys had a fun time. We sure do miss you around the holidays! I can't believe that it has almost been a year since you ahve been gone! Tell Ryan Hi! Oh, and I think you and Ryan would get a kick out of this...just go to You tube and type in ACHMED THE DEAD TERRORIST (watch the one that is 10 minutes long)! It's pretty funny! have a good week!
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