How freakin cute is this?! You all should know by now that I am the #1 animal lover and last night at work I had extra time to pour over these incredible pictures. This monkey was trying to teach the cat to sit on 2 legs like its own babies do. This picture came up way too small so copy and paste this link to see the full picture. It's the 3rd one from the left. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/flashback/2008

And this picture just screams "old soul" to me. How can you not love that face? Here is the link for this picture. http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2008/03/animal-minds/musi-photography.html Be sure to check out all the pictures in that gallery...AMAZING! Maybe I should have gone into zoology...

P.S. I found the first page of the new Stephanie Meyer book "Breaking Dawn." Oh I am counting the days!! Did you know that Barnes and Noble around the country are having midnight release parties for the book? If anyone in Michigan is interested, let me know :) Here is the link...enjoy!! http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20203238,00.html Does anyone else really dislike the actor they picked for Edward? He is not what I pictured at all while reading :(
P.S.S. One more note for the ever so miscellaneous post. Norris is doing much better and for the first time this morning since he came home he didn't cry when going down the stairs! He gets his stitches out Thursday then 1 more week till he can enjoy the beach with his Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Tyler (my parents and brother)!
Yes I can't wait for the book either. yahoo! Poor Norris. I hope he gets better soon. We are leaving for Maui. I will write in about 2 weeks.
I have to agree, the actor they chose for Edward is totally not what I pictured. I'm excited for the book but I don't know how excited I am for the movie. Is that weird. I'm excited, but I'm not.
Glad to hear that Norris is doing alot better!! I must agree with you that I am so excited for the book to come out! When I first saw the guy who was playing Edward I was not too happy, but once I saw the trailor for the movie I liked him more. Still not what I pictured, but not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I am pretty excited about the movie....I guess we shall see how it turns out!
Norris is cute. It's kind of sad. Just seeing the carpet on your stairs makes me sad. My twin sister has a house and lives and exists in a place I've never even seen. I so wish we could come out there. Pray for lower airfare (and a good bonus from Jer's work wouldn't hurt) and let me know if you see any good deals. Love ya!
Mckayla asked me the other day "Mom, can we move when our house gets old?" I said "probably Mckayla, why?", she said "So I can live by Stephy again" :-(
I wish you lived closer so we could go to the midnight book release together!!! I have a book reserved at Barnes and Noble...i'm planning on reading it on maternity leave...well, if I have time I guess:)
This picture of Norris makes me smile! Why do I see some 'Ryan' in him? Hope you have a great time with your mom, dad and Tyler. Tell them hello from the Provo Wests. Vanessa and I agree that we picture Edward more 'handsome' and masculine. We're hoping to come to a conference in Chicago in October and swing over to see you and Ryan. We'll keep you posted.
Haha...No, we haven't picked a name yet. I haven't mentioned anything on my blog because our options change every week and we probably won't decide until we see him. Besides, I know SO MANY women who are pregnant with boys right now, and I don't want them to steal our options. I know...so childish of me, but that's how it is. haha.
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