We started the day with high hopes at the MSU Small Animal Day. Kind of like a fair, you get to go around and see farm animals and their babies. I enjoyed seeing the animals and hanging out with the Jones family but it was WAY too crowded with people. Basically WAY too many people for not enough exhibits=a grumpy Stephanie. Plus Ryan lost our camera midway through the tour (which thankfully someone found). I think I just need my own farm, then I don't have to pay to see someone elses...
Then we took our boy Norris to get his haircut!! He really needed it but I miss his curls. They had to shave my baby's beard because it was too matted :( Oh well, I just hope it grows back.
The rest of the day was spent cleaning up the house and yard. We are blessed with lots of big windows in our house and I love to watch Ryan and the dogs play outside. Bless his heart, Ryan is trying his best with our yard but the dogs just tear up the grass.
So what do you think about Norris's new do? Do you prefer Shagaroo Wolfman Norris or the clean cut Airedale look?
I am sorry that the Animal Day was crowded- I was disappointed with that too! Makes is almost not worth it huh?
I Love the way Norris looks with haircut. It reminds me of our childhood airdale(?)Josie.
Eve really likes to have you as her "friends" -that is what she calls you.
I prefer the clean cut do!!
Porter loves to look at your blog and see your dogs. He gets mad when I click off of it.
Ah, those were really fun pics Sis! That backyard pic is an angle I don't think I've seen before. Still kills me I haven't been out there - sorry :( I'm trying!
We watched Marley and Me yesterday....I have no idea how you do it with your big furry beasts. And it was cool to see Jer get teared up and say that's why he doesn't want a real pet - he does have a heart for animals! Yay!
You guys are so cute with your babies! I promise human babies as juat as much fun, if not MORE!
P.S. Whats your email address?
I love the pic of him waiting for his brother. But Norris certainly does look handsome. I love it after dogs get their hair cut, they smell all clean AND the funniest is how special they feel- they walk (or prance) around like they are the king for the next week. Does Norris do that too?
man, we really wanted to go to the small animal day- poor Jack would have loved it too. it's to bad it was so crowded...that makes me really frustrated. ug.
Your dogs are so cute. I'm kind of torn with Norris' old and new do's. I like them both. He is a handsome boy. It's so cute that the dogs get along so well. You guys are awesome!
Surprise! I LOVE Norris' clean cut look. I tend to like a clean shaven male not matter the breed :) Ryan said 'Baby Animal Day' was wild! Lots of baby humans and few babies of the other kind. Glad you're seeing sun.
Looks like you guys had a great weekend. Gotta love some R&R! Sorry it was so crowded, that's not always fun to deal with. Norris looks great. Happy to know you are all doing well. Love ya!
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