First day of Law School, August 2007
First day of his second year
I had to throw both pictures up to point out the differences. He attributes the scruffy face and backwards hat to his "increasing liberallness." Sorry Robert and Nancy, he can't be helped now :(
Yay for Ryan going off to school! Jason is a little sad now that they won't be able to play as much! I am glad you guys had a great time on your trip! Those are always fun to take! Love ya!
That liberal comment cracked me up. He definitely looks more at ease with going!
What a crazy liberal! It certainly does get a little less formal as time goes on, doesn't it?
Yay!!! I love back to school time. It's the best time of year. Only five more days until the Michigan game...WOOHOO!!!
Stephanie, I'm counting on you. We feel 'the force' strong in you. You (and you alone) can bring Ryan back from the dark, hairy side! Thanks for the pictures. They made me smile. I'm sure Ryan told you that I always made the kids line up for a 'First Day Picture' up until they graduated. I'm glad the tradition lives on! Go UTES! We were rooting for U too!
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