So in lew of my favorite show being back on I had to share a few pictures that bring back dancing memories. I couldn't find my high school pictures but here are a few from the alumni performance I was invited to in 2006 and my sophmore drill team all together. That was my favorite year by far, especially cuz I had my very best friend and idol Jenn Dalton!!

I totally know half the people in that dance picture. That is funny!
what a flash from the past! too bad I wasn't in the picture eh? : ) I tried out and actually made it to Vegas. I can't tell you anything else til it airs. . . ha ha right!!! WAY too long since I danced.
PS.. did you know Randi got married on May 23rd?
Yeah... I'm sworn to secrecy about how the try-outs went too. YEAH RIGHT! I would NEVER call myself a dancer. Just a peppy girl who LIKED to dance, but never excelled in the art! I totally remember that Sweetheart's background! Kit thinks it's awesome that you noticed his velcro shoes! Only $9.88 from Wal-Mart and they are seriously his favorite pair!!!!
If you could, tell Melanee to invite me to view her blog. My email is Thanks!
Oh the memories that one picture can bring back! I love it! We had such a great time! I am so glad that I found you! I actually work at the new Trauma Center in Salt Lake. I went to Excelsior College for school way back when. I love ER. I guess I am an adrenaline junkie!
I am so sad that I haven't been able to watch that show yet this year. I have been working on the nights that it's on t.v., and we don't have tivo at our house yet. However, I don't work tomorrow night, so I am totally planning on watching it!!! I miss dancing so much too...I seriously want to start back up again once this baby comes out of my belly, but I don't know where?!?! Anyway, you are such a doll in your drill team pics. Sweethearts night was so much fun, I can still remember it to this day. Good old Ryan Khoury and Scott Kemp (Wong Way and Scout Camp)haha. I love you Steph!!!
i am confused..... YOU TRIED OUT???????????????????????????????????
Wow, talk about blast from the past! Fun post, and it was fun to look at that group dance pic! I can't believe how long ago that was!
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