finally! I can't believe we've been home for a week and I still haven't posted but we've been busy catching up to real life. We went back to Utah for a nice long Thanksgiving break and had a great time! Both of our families are there, about 30 minutes apart and we were able to spend a lot of great time with both of them. A few highlights were...
*Seeing Twilight opening night
*Enjoying the play at West Jordan High that my brother built the set for
*"bUTEifying Ryan's parents house for the big game...go Utes!!
*Meeting up with friends for lunch
*Getting a workout at my sister's water aerobics class
*Enjoying a photo shoot and the wonders of photoshop with Kelli (I'll post pics soon)
*Of course enjoying 2 Thanksgivings
*Ryan survived Black Friday shopping at Walmart of all places (minus a small battle scar on his nose from fighting for a toy)
*Celebrating my 25th birthday
*Enjoying the lights on temple square and the Sunday broadcast in the Tabernacle
*In honor of my Grandma Ann who always decorated her Christmas tree with red glass ornaments, Ryan helped me decorate the tree above her at the cemetery. I love seeing the sun shine on the red ball, I think it's her smiling. Love you grandma!
*but mostly just lots of great time catching up with our families. We love you guys!